Saturday 20 December 2014

Rumours of Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, the stage was all set
But nothing was certain, twas not real yet
Just angels and prophesy, stars in the sky
A birth that was imminent, a longed for first cry.

Twas the night before Christmas and Bethlehem stirred
Rumours of angelic voices were heard
Already so crowded, the town paused and waited
Uncertain bout quite what they anticipated.

Twas the night before Christmas, a star overhead
A young girl in labour, a crude, makeshift bed
Shepherds drew nearer, wise men on their way
What a strange, muddled scene for that first Christmas day.

It's the last week of advent, the tree has been dressed
the last countdown begins and we may feel stressed
But what of the message of Christmas, is that
Just a long ago rumour, has it gotten "old hat"?

Is the Jesus of Christmas a fact, is he real?
When you join in the carols, what is it you feel?
With the anticipation, the build up, the hype
What is the heart of your Christmas day like?

Does this Joy to the World touch your spirit and heart
Or is it just heresay of which you've no part?
Is it simply a story, an annual tale
A ritual we do every year without fail?

It's the week before Christmas and here you are

Were you told by an angel? Did you follow a star?
Will you pause at the stable, will you bow down before
the child in the manger, will you come and adore?

For it's not just a rumour and it never has been
What the prophets foretold became real, became seen
And of this please be certain, God has led you this way
For he wants to be real to you here today.

Karen Holmes
December 19th 2014

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Little Certainties

My "little certainties" are not so small
in life where nothing stays the same at all.
My "little certainties" should not be mocked

for better they, than that my boat be rocked.
Would you have me to tread uncertain ground

Where unknown danger lurks and risks abound?
Far be it Lord that I should disagree
But "little certainties" sound good to me.

My "little certainties", my safety net

Have never let me down or failed me yet
Although I never venture far alone
Or take a step outside my comfort zone.
Familiar paths are all I ever tread
Would you, Lord, have me walk new ways instead?
You're asking me to walk in pastures new
And learn my only certainty is You.

How can I learn when I refuse to move?

My dependence upon you is hard to prove
surrounded by my comforts and possessions
how easy to presume I've learned life's lessons.
My life is safe in harbour - firmly moored
It won't go far, but safe it will remain
Yet in my mind I hear once more those words
"To live is Christ and yet to die is gain"

Karen Holmes
June 2010


I did it Lord, I danced before you!
Well, more like a hop from foot to foot,

A slightly heavy lump of human untoned muscle
Jumping around without agility
But not without a sense of victory!

For years the great deceiver lied

Predicting failure before I even tried
to dance before my King.

Reminding me of age and shape
Confirming the very idea a mistake
"Dancing - you?" he laughed, he roared
and stopped me dancing for my Lord.

But not this time for something snapped
Some grim determination which before I lacked
Some sense of "You just watch me"

A shout!  A battle cry!
A sudden, fresh awakening as the cross was lifted high.

I did it Lord, I danced before you!
Well, more like a hop from foot to foot.
But you smiled, to took delight

In this most extraordinary sight

and I believe you took my hand
and spun me round and danced with me
to celebrate this victory!

Karen Holmes
Relating to September 10th 2006.

Sunday 14 December 2014

My Soul's Connections

Some people visit our lives for a while
Just passing by with a casual smile
Maybe a nod of their head or a chat
Just an encounter and no more than that
A few words together whilst waiting in queues
Discussing the weather or some recent news
A gesture, a kindness but nothing that lasts
A split second contact a moment soon past.

But others we meet in quite similar ways
Turn up in our lives and then sit down and stay
And most imperceptibly one day we feel
The friendship has grown, taken root, become real
These casual acquaintances somehow connect
with our soul in a way that we did not expect
For our souls speak a language beyond conscious speech
and communicate often beyond cognitive reach.

And I'd like to thank those whose souls speak with mine
in a language of love, a voice almost divine
We can try to define it, in words to express
But spoken words spoil it, make it smaller and less
I have learned as I've gone along simply to rest
With my soul's choice of loved ones, for then I am blessed
For I love you with all that I am and more yet
For my soul celebrated the day that we met.

Karen Holmes
14th December 2014