Sunday, 31 October 2010

Something worth sharing

I always try to be strong, I always try to do things "properly"  Now sometimes that's essential but often it's more important to do things in a way that is best for us - like when we are not well for example.  Today I shared some thoughts and my poem called "faith" in church but I had to sit down to do it as I was so dizzy.  And so today's poem was born.  We sang one of my favourite songs which contains the line "I know that my redeemer lives"  It's a song which declares that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God, now I have struggled at times to accept that, life is not easy and there are dreadful things that happen all over the world and sometimes to us or those we love.  But for me, today, in my situation - nothing can separate me from the love of God, for I know that my Redeemer lives!

When I'm in the place I'm meant to be
And saying the things God planned
I know for sure that I am held
Supported in His hands

When I go at the right pace for me
In the time that is appointed
I know He goes before me
And each word is anointed

When I stop wondering what folk think
And whether they approve
But walk each rocky path by faith
Then mountains will be moved.

When I learn that there's no “right” way
and accept I'm sometimes weak
Putting self aside and letting God
I know that He will speak.

I may not have the energy
Or stamina required
To stand and share God's message
if I'm dizzy or I'm tired..

And so I'll sit instead and share
In weakness if needs be
That still my great Redeemer lives
He's all in all to me!

I won't deny my troubles
Acting like I have no fear
There's no point in pretending
That I'm always full of cheer

I'll always be quite honest
But I'll never stop declaring
That I know that my Redeemer lives
Now that's something worth sharing!

Karen Holmes
31 October 2010

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