Oh Thou who changest not abide with me.......
Abide with me for sometimes I get scared
Often in life I feel so unprepared
Nothing is constant
Nothing stays the same
Oh thou who changest not, I call Your name.
Abide with me for I can't cope alone
Don't leave me helpless, don't leave me on my own
Stand by my side
And take hold of my hand
Oh thou who changest not, please understand.
Abide with me through every single day
Stay with me always, please don't go away
Though I mess up
and often get things wrong
Be always present God and make me strong
Abide with me for all my hope's in You
Though I can't understand the things you do
Sometimes I falter
Often I am weak
Then through the silence let me hear You speak.
Abide with me, my one unfailing friend
Abide with me until life's very end
Unchanging God
Unfailing King of Kings
Help me each day your wondrous praise to sing.
Karen Holmes
17 October 2010
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