Sunday, 31 October 2010

The Hoover or for those who like to be accurate - the vacuum cleaner!

The spiders that live here have little idea
What us poor arachnophobes feel
When they unexpectedly make an appearance
Although they must hear when we squeal

So I have little sympathy when with the hoover
I send them to that web in the sky
But the problem has been with constructing said tool
Which caused hubby to swear if not cry

The cat even ventured from out of the kitchen
To witness this strange, rare event
Of a red bit of plastic held this way and that
to try to decide where it went

When finally we had accomplished the task
Of getting the pieces to fit
My hubby decided it looked cheap and nasty
and said “I don't like it one bit”

He decided the best thing for him now to do
Was take the thing back to the store
And get them to swop it for something much better
Although it might cost a bit more.

So piece by piece twas disassembled
till only one bit was remaining
I don't think I'm able to get this part out”
He said with much effort and straining.

I thought it was best to stay silent
As he started undoing the screws
He now had an excess of pieces
I felt that this wasn't good news!

The cat had decided to make a swift exit
The fun part was over, he knew
I finally found my lost voice once again
Err, what are you going to do?”

Well there's only one option that's left”, he replied
We'll just have to keep it, make do
So I'll just pop it all back together again
Does that sound alright, dear to you?”

Oh yes, what a fine sounding plan” I agreed
I expect 'twill be quicker this time
And then maybe, perhaps we could give it a try
And check that it's working just fine”

Well between you and me, I'm most grateful
The thing worked first time without flaw
For I have to admit, I was wondering
If I could take very much more

So you see what I mean about spiders
And their thoughtless behaviour when here
I won't tolerate any sightings
For I've had quite enough, is that clear?

With hoover I'm armed and I'm dangerous
There's nowhere to run or to hide
It may look a bit cheap and nasty
But I'll brandish my hoover with pride!

Karen Holmes
31 October 2010

Something worth sharing

I always try to be strong, I always try to do things "properly"  Now sometimes that's essential but often it's more important to do things in a way that is best for us - like when we are not well for example.  Today I shared some thoughts and my poem called "faith" in church but I had to sit down to do it as I was so dizzy.  And so today's poem was born.  We sang one of my favourite songs which contains the line "I know that my redeemer lives"  It's a song which declares that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God, now I have struggled at times to accept that, life is not easy and there are dreadful things that happen all over the world and sometimes to us or those we love.  But for me, today, in my situation - nothing can separate me from the love of God, for I know that my Redeemer lives!

When I'm in the place I'm meant to be
And saying the things God planned
I know for sure that I am held
Supported in His hands

When I go at the right pace for me
In the time that is appointed
I know He goes before me
And each word is anointed

When I stop wondering what folk think
And whether they approve
But walk each rocky path by faith
Then mountains will be moved.

When I learn that there's no “right” way
and accept I'm sometimes weak
Putting self aside and letting God
I know that He will speak.

I may not have the energy
Or stamina required
To stand and share God's message
if I'm dizzy or I'm tired..

And so I'll sit instead and share
In weakness if needs be
That still my great Redeemer lives
He's all in all to me!

I won't deny my troubles
Acting like I have no fear
There's no point in pretending
That I'm always full of cheer

I'll always be quite honest
But I'll never stop declaring
That I know that my Redeemer lives
Now that's something worth sharing!

Karen Holmes
31 October 2010

Thursday, 28 October 2010

One Of Those Days

One of those days.

It's just one of those days, let me tell you
I awoke at the hour of four
I was shaky, confused and befuddled
My sugar had fell through the floor
I ate about 4 jelly babies
And half of a cereal bar
I knew I was now out of danger
and quickly felt better by far.

I went back to sleep and dreamed sweetly
Of a win of a million or two
The alarm interrupted my spending
I felt a bit miffed, as you do.
I realised I was quite thirsty
My sugar had soared to new heights
I reached for my insulin pen
And turned on my bedside light

I got up, ate porridge for breakfast
Washed down with 2 large cups of tea
Got dressed, showered, washed hair, was ready!
For all that the day held for me.
Then dizziness came out of nowhere
A tiredness I could not suppress
I sat in my chair for a while
Determined to give in and rest..

I thought I'd just quickly view facebook
And check any emails that awaited
But the laptop refused to obey me
My plans were quite simply ill fated
So my morning passed by with frustration
And lunchtime arrived all too soon
A sandwich and healthy banana
To sustain me all afternoon

As soon as I'd eaten I knew I had erred
The pain known as bad indigestion
I don't know whats going so wrong today
But I fear that it does beg the question
Should I have decided to stay safe in bed?
Give way to my slumber and dream
For today is determined to try me
By unplanned events so extreme

That I'm wondering if I should have taken the hint
And stayed fast asleep all day long
Or would that have brought new frustrations
Would things still conspire to go wrong?
It's weird how sometimes this happens
I think I will simply erase
The annoyance and nuisance like happenings
For it's obviously one of those days

Karen Holmes
28 October 2010

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


Inspired by friends who had angels guarding them today in a potentially dangerous situation.


They're watching us throughout the day
Though we're often unaware
Their wings outstretched protectively
Around us everywhere
The narrowest escape we've had
The closest call we've known
Those are the times we recognise
We've angels of our own

But frequently we've no idea
They move unseen, unheard
We've no awareness of them there
When danger has occurred
For swiftly we are moved along
Upheld on angel's wings
They guard us throughout night and day
From every harmful thing.

Angels from the Father's side
They move as He dictates
He knows your movements everyday
And never makes mistakes
He's placed His angels all around
You're always in their view
So don't despair, you're not alone
There's angels watching you.

Karen Holmes
27 October 2010

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

8 legged beasts meet the hoover

We're getting a new hoover
One with a very long hose
Cos I'm not keen on spiders
As everybody knows

And any nasty spider
Who seeks to cause a ruction
Will find no victory in this place
T'will be overcome by suction

The hoover is a bagless one
On this I'm not too keen
For even when I've sucked it up
The beast can still be seen

And though I hate them (with a passion)
The guilt will be all mine
If I am forced to sit and watch
The poor creature dyin'

I'll be thinking of it's family
All stricken down with grief
I'll be saddened by my selfishness
My uncaring relief

That's why I've bought a hoover
With suction so intense
The 8 legged beast wont stand a chance
I'm sparing no expense

My message to all spiders
Is “stay out of my sight”
You'll live a little longer
And I won't die of fright!

Karen Holmes
26 October 2010

Monday, 25 October 2010


What is this thing called “faith” I ask
Is it some kind of crutch
Something that when life goes well
Isn't used as much?

Is it a kind of weakness
for those who need support
Something to get me through
When life is getting fraught?

Is it a flimsy hope
something that won't endure
A wishy washy vagueness
Of which I am unsure?

Does it blow hot and cold
Dependent on circumstance
Can I cast it to one side
without a second glance?

Or is it a solid foundation
A river ever flowing
Is it's constancy secure
However things are going?

Can I stand secure
On this unchanging ground
Can I feel safe
when change is all around?

Is it the very essence
Of all I am, Of me
Am I known for real faith
For this one certainty?

I can't say I never question
I don't say I never doubt
But do I return to faith
Do I sort my feelings out?

The answer must be “yes”
My only certain cry
Is faith in Him who loved me so
He was prepared to die

Faith in Him my constant truth
Only He can be
My hope through life, my hope in death
The only hope for me.

Karen Holmes
25 October 2010

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Box opening

Do you ever feel that life is random?  Personally I don't think it is, but I do sometimes feel that way!  Do you ever search for words to help someone who struggles?  Do you ever find that words are simply too clumsy?  This poem addresses these issues.

Box Opening

On deal or no deal they open some boxes
And respond with a gasp or a sigh
Sometimes there's cause for great celebration
But often I've known people cry

There's no way of knowing what each box contains
Yet people have game plans they use
Perhaps family birthdays or random events
To help decide which box to choose

And life sometimes seems very random
A bit of a lottery draw
We cannot predict what the future will bring
What your life or mine holds in store

And just like the boxes there's no guarantee
No knowing what each day may reveal
And the strangest thing I have discovered
There's no certainty how you will feel.

You may think you can gauge your reactions
By what has occurred in the past
There's many a challenge can shake us
And life can change ever so fast

Now things haven't got me defeated
But the box opening lately's been rough
And I'm finding some days are quite tricky
And often incredibly tough

As somebody asked me this morning
how have you found things today?”
I found that I didn't quite have the right words
For all that I wanted to say

My feelings are constantly changing
There's fear, relief and confusion
The moment I think I am back in control
I discover it's just an illusion.

And I'm grateful that person this morning
Had the insight to understand
That no words of wisdom were needed
But simply held on to my hand

That gesture meant more than you'd know
For it touched something broken inside
As God opened one of His boxes
And love and compassion supplied.

Karen Holmes
October 24 2010

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Mr Sparkle

Just for a change, I thought a picture might be in order.  The infamous Mr Sparkle!

Friday, 22 October 2010


What is your favourite chocolate
Mine are coffee creams
I could eat them every single day
They're the stuff of happy dreams

Now this might seem peculiar
But I also love the smell
Of the little after eight packets
You know the ones so well

There's just something about them
Though what I can't explain
If they ever changed the packaging
I bet they wouldn't smell the same

I love to open Roses chocolates
The ones in a huge tin
The sight of so much wickedness
Can cause a girl to sin

The purple ones with caramel
Are larger than the rest
So maybe it's inevitable
That I like those the best

And Thornton's viennese truffles
Now they're a treat indeed
When life is getting troublesome
And luxury you need

For a trip back to my childhood
A bar of Caramac
Though I thought it looked much better
When the packaging was black

Do tell me what's your favourite?
The one's you can't resist
But probably like me you'll find
You have a lengthy list!

For chocolate keeps us going
It keeps the blues at bay
Indulge, give in, allow yourself
Some chocolate every day.

Karen Holmes
22 October 2010

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Some day your entire life will flash before your eyes...........

Thank you Frank for your facebook post which triggered these thoughts.

"Some day your entire life will flash before your eyes, make sure it's worth the watching!"

Well they say before we die our life will flash before our eyes
Will mine be quite predictable or something to surprise?
Will the show be worth the watching, will it make me feel proud
Or will I yearn to turn it off, if that would be allowed?
Will it be the sort of movie that bores the world to tears
Or a psychological thriller homing in on my worst fears?
Perhaps it will be comedy with laughter all the way
Or thought provoking drama with something wise to say
Will it be full of people? Or will I star alone?
Will others recognise me, will I be well known?
Will it be a happy story, will it make me smile?
Will I feel that my life achieved anything worthwhile?

I hope I'm proud to own it, I hope at least to say
I wouldn't have done it differently in any major way!

Karen Holmes
21 October 2010

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

I will wear purple

Today, Wednesday 20 October 2010 I and many people around the world will wear purple out of love and support for the young men who recently took their own lives because of bullying and homophobia. Will you join us?

I will wear purple

When I realise that my actions do impact upon others
I will wear purple
When I recognise that just to think kind thoughts is not enough
I will wear purple
When I comprehend that sitting on the fence is not only uncomfortable but achieves nothing, I will wear purple
When I get over my desire to go with the crowd
I will wear purple
When I stop caring what others will think and start caring about those who struggle
I will wear purple
When I see the repercussions of bullying
I will wear purple
When I see the devastation of homophobia
I will wear purple
When I consider the effectiveness of Jesus' ministry
I will wear purple
When I recall how He upset the religious leaders of his time
I will wear purple
When I stop being “religious” and walk in relationship with Christ
I will wear purple
When I weep with those who weep
I will wear purple
When I realise that in many ways I know nothing of what others suffer
I will wear purple
and when I decide that I want to stand hand in hand with those who hurt
I will wear purple.

Will you?

Karen Holmes
October 2010

Monday, 18 October 2010

Horrid Hospital Appointment

I've a hospital appointment tomorrow
And I really do not want to go
It's horrid, so horrid, just HORRID
And I needed to let you folks know.

It's to check on my eyes since my treatment
And they'll put nasty drops in that sting
They'll make me read letters on charts
And poke me in the eye with some thing

I really don't want to be bothered
On top of the rest of the stuff
I'm resisting the urge to start shouting
That Karen has had quite enough

Lets hope that they see me quite promptly
So I can escape from that place
And if they have told me I'm healthy
I'll have a big smile on my face

Dear readers, there may be no poem
Tomorrow for you to digest
For my eyes might be still rather blurry
And I may well be glad of a rest

But if I'm inspired to wax lyrical
I'll scribble it down with due haste
Just a touch of some keys on my laptop
I'll highlight, then copy and paste!

October 18th 2010

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Oh Thou who changest not, abide with me

Ok, I'm cheating - new words to an old song.  I sang this today in church and was struck by the line above - what else in life does not change?  Who else in life does not change?

Oh Thou who changest not abide with me.......

Abide with me for sometimes I get scared
Often in life I feel so unprepared
Nothing is constant
Nothing stays the same
Oh thou who changest not, I call Your name.

Abide with me for I can't cope alone
Don't leave me helpless, don't leave me on my own
Stand by my side
And take hold of my hand
Oh thou who changest not, please understand.

Abide with me through every single day
Stay with me always, please don't go away
Though I mess up
and often get things wrong
Be always present God and make me strong

Abide with me for all my hope's in You
Though I can't understand the things you do
Sometimes I falter
Often I am weak
Then through the silence let me hear You speak.

Abide with me, my one unfailing friend
Abide with me until life's very end
Unchanging God
Unfailing King of Kings
Help me each day your wondrous praise to sing.

Karen Holmes
17 October 2010

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Winter Draws On!

Winter draws on!

I'm going to sort my cupboards
And my wardrobe one day soon
When I've got a morning free of plans
Or an empty afternoon

When I see my short sleeved garments
All hanging in a line
I get goosebumps all along my arms
And shivers down my spine

I need my big thick jumpers
And my cosy winter fleece
plus gloves to make my hands all snug
And bid those shivers cease

The electric blanket's on the bed
And socks for my cold feet
My winter wardrobe's almost done
My plan is near complete.

Just the winter draws and thermal vest
and a blanket round my knees
Then I'm ready for hibernation
So don't disturb me please!

© Karen Holmes
16 October 2010

Friday, 15 October 2010

Broken World

This is an unusual poem for me but stems from the frustrations of seeing the resources of our world plundered with no thought for tomorrow and also the unfair and inadequate distribution of the world's wealth.  Not wealth as in money but as in food and water, aid which goes astray and does not reach those in need.............we hang our heads in shame.

Broken World

Oh broken world, your head is bowed
And like a river flow your tears
When you consider all the damage
By mankind's actions through the years

Oh broken world, your natural laws are toyed with
shortsighted humans glibly pay no heed
Tomorrow's issues seem of no importance
Live for today” appears to be our creed

We've pulled down trees, destroyed vast forests
We've used the oil, and seas polluted
The habitat of many species
Has been torn down and plundered, looted

Our selfishness, our self importance
has left us vulnerable and weak
with nature's wisdom disregarded
Our planet's outlook's rather bleak

Oh broken world, your pain is endless
Day follows night but light is sparse
Whilst politician's shuffle paper
more children die, it's such a farce

Oh broken world you wail for lost ones
You tear your clothes in anguished grief
Aid is delayed, it's bounty plundered
For those in need there's no relief

Oh broken world, your blood is on our hands
We've stretched too far resources you provide
We've seen no reason to replenish
but watched unmoved as you have died

And then at God we'll point the finger
Mankind's stupidity denied
We'll raise our eyes and fists at heaven
And ask why God did not provide

Oh broken world, we hang our heads in shame
to see your riches so depleted
We've taken all and given nothing
tomorrow's children robbed and cheated

Oh broken world, defiled, abused
We have to try and somehow save
What still remains of God's creation
And to respect the world He gave.

Karen Holmes

Thursday, 14 October 2010


I held back this poem yesterday until it was certain that all the miner's had been rescued.


69 days below ground
A fate we can't contemplate
Knowing that others were in control
And all that remained was to wait

At first they could not have known
If they'd ever get out alive
Their terror I cannot imagine
As they waited for help to arrive

Then the wait whilst they built the escape shaft
And the longing to reunite
With their loved ones who stood by, quite helpless
And watched the incredible sight

The waiting, interminable waiting
with normal life paused, put on hold
And the rest of the world waited with them
For this strange, epic tale to unfold

Today as the rescue bid started
An acute sense of waiting began
Men, women and children suspended in time
Awaiting a glimpse of their man.

What emotional turmoil from start to the finish
As those final tense rescues evolved
The waiting at long last is over
What a joy for each person involved.

©Karen Holmes
13 October 2010

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


Today I heard the sad news that a neighbour has died, here's my small tribute to a lovely lady


I'll always remember you, Anna
You were valued by all in the street
You'd go up the road for your paper
and were always a pleasure to meet.

Yet you'd thank me for stopping and chatting
and I'd tell you “now don't be so daft”
We'd stand there and put the whole world to rights
And often we'd have quite a laugh

And that day in the cold, snowy weather
when I asked if you needed some shopping
then you said, “come inside, come into the warm"
You made tea and I ended up stopping.

You spoke of your church and I told you of mine
and you told me such tales of the past
You talked of your family and when they were young
The afternoon went very fast.

No, it won't be the same here without you
There's many nearby who'd agree
But I'll always remember you, Anna
For that chat and a nice cup of tea.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Bewdley Festival

I'm too tired to think of a poem
I've been out to Bewdley today
For the annual festival frolics
We go every year, by the way

We meet up at our local bus stop
Raise a cheer when our transport arrives
we get very excited at nothing
It's because we all lead such sad lives

But that's the idea you see folks
we pick the most boring event
Each year we declare that we won't go again
And always regret that we went!

But really it gives us great pleasure
and livens up every October
For after the talk we go to the pub
On the bus home we're never quite sober

Drink a toast to the festival planners
Who never have failed us yet
Next year when we look at the programme
We'll discuss, "are we going?" - You bet!

Sunday, 10 October 2010

A Small Observation

An Small Observation

Whatever your thoughts about God may be
May I share just a small observation
If there's nobody bigger than us out there
We're in rather a grave situation.

For no plan of this age seems effective
Whate'r those in power try to prove
Myopia rules! We're shortsighted
And life doesn't seem to improve.

Today let us ponder together
The truth that we're in quite a mess
for it seems no one gives their attention
To the issues that should be addressed.

And I know of my own fallibility
I'm guilty as charged, I admit
With decisions I've made in my lifetime
I've often messed up quite a bit.

So, to clarify, here's where I'm standing
On the Rock, my unshakable ground
Though I'm battered and bruised He will not let me go
In Him, I'm secure, safe and sound.

© Karen Holmes
10 October 2010

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Our stories weave together

This poem came from the memory of someone once saying to me "I don't think anyone has ever heard Karen's story" I thought of how we often find that when we share experiences we have often been through similar things.  Even though at first glance we may feel our experiences are totally different they often evoke the same feelings, fear, hope, anger - and many more.  We hesitate sometimes to share our story but more and more it seems to me that we need to realise that our lives do have relevance and do contribute to the world in which we live.  We help others when we share and often we help ourselves too.

Our stories weave together

Has anyone heard your story
From start to very end?
Has anyone tried to understand
To really comprehend?
Does it seem so complicated
That you’d not know where to start?
Are there no words that are adequate
To share what’s in your heart?

Do you think that it won’t matter
If your story’s never told
Or imagine that you’ll tell the tale
One day when you’re old
Do you guard your journey closely
In case it doesn’t make the grade
Have you almost bared your soul
Then changed your mind and silent stayed?

Perhaps you feel it’s not worth telling
Not notable enough
Or think you can contain it
For you’re made of “sterner stuff”
Yet occasionally you long to tell
To say, “If you but knew”
For it seems stranger than fiction
Though it’s all completely true.

It seems to me that often
All we hear are mighty deeds
Its easy to dismiss ourselves
And the daily lives we lead
If you think about it carefully
It’s a fact you can’t refute
Each of us impacts on others
By all we contribute

So your story matters deeply
In the lifespan of this world
Your fears and all your hopes and dreams
Perhaps yet unfulfilled
We don’t live in isolation
But touch other lives as well
Someone else might just be waiting
For the story you will tell.
Has anyone heard your story?
Well, for your sake and for mine
I hope there’s someone you can trust
When  you feel it’s the right time
For the day may soon be coming
When your story helps me through
And perhaps the story of my life
Is relevant to you

We think we’re independent
But lives are intertwined
Experiences are sometimes shared
And frequently we’ll find
That when we let our guard down
A mutual gain we’ll see
So I will share my story
If you’ll share yours with me.

Karen Holmes
9 October 2010

Friday, 8 October 2010

The Daily Routine (the shower song)

The Daily Routine (the shower song)

I'm writing this verse in the shower
It's making the paper all wet
Of all of the silliest things I have done
This must be the daftest one yet.

I was wakened around 7.30
To the sound of my cockerel alarm
I'm inclined to sleep through all the others
But this farmyard one works like a charm.

I wake at that time by necessity
For it's then that my first jab is due
It's a bit of a pain if I'm honest
Though it keeps me alive this is true.

So I first prick my finger to check out my sugar
To see if it's high or it's low
Then reach for my Novopen, check it for air
And dial up 9 units or so.

My legs are quite lumpy so I must ensure
I pick a fresh spot every time
That's why I don't wear my bikini (!)
You wouldn't if you'd legs like mine!

So then time for breakfast, another jab first
A miracle quick acting stuff
But sadly it cannot advise me
When I've eaten more than enough.

And now my inhaler, 2 puffs twice a day
Brush my teeth for two minutes and hope
It keeps all the cavities far from my mouth
With dentists I just cannot cope.

Once I'm dressed I am ready for Facebook
And maybe the postman will bring
A letter about a rich relative
Who has died and left me everything!

At lunchtime I gauge what I'm eating
For somehow I have to decide
How much of my insulin I should inject
For the food that is going inside.

Then a hypo will suddenly throw me
My vision goes first then I shake
So out come the black jelly babies
They're my favourites, make no mistake.

Another quick jab before tea time
And more calculations to make
If I end up high or low later
I'll have to correct my mistake

My final jab at 7.30
Should control my sugar level all night
But don't be deceived dear people
The dose isn't always quite right.

And before I can sleep and dream sweetly
There's tablets I that I have to take
Perhaps you'll forgive me for thinking
that I would be glad of a break

And that's why I need all of you lot
To boost my morale every day
For without you I'd just lose the plot
Whereas with you I'm only half way!

Karen Holmes

8 October 2010

Thursday, 7 October 2010

You can't unthink a thought

Have you ever noticed that once you've thought something, you can't "unthink" it?  In the past I have wished I could "unthink" things.  Maybe if I went along with the crowd it would be easier.  Ultimately though we have to be true to ourselves or we will have no peace.  You may even help somebody else along the way.........

You can't unthink a thought

Silent thoughts, unspoken feelings
Hidden views unbidden came
Once a thought is entertained
You cannot push it down again
Sweep them to a dirty corner
Do not ever glance their way
Though it seems they're undetected
They get stronger every day.

Scared to look at them more fully
Fear will only make them grow
Those around are unaware
But it's enough that you still know
Do not let them stay untended
They will tangle in your mind
Tackle them, you'll end up stronger
Don't be scared of what you'll find

Easier to think like others?
Go along with all the crowd?
Don't make ripples, Don't make waves
Different thinking's not allowed!
Sooner though, or maybe later
There will come a time, you'll find
When for unexpected reasons
You'll be forced to speak your mind.

Interestingly you'll then discover
strength you didn't know was yours
When you stand on your convictions
Making truth your aim, your cause
You'll walk taller, hold your head high
To yourself you must be true
Let integrity and honour
Shine through all you say and do.

7 October 2010