Sunday, 2 August 2015

Hey you - it's God......

Where do you think you will find me?
Why are you searching in vain?
I'm walking so closely beside you
Yet you miss me each time - it's a shame
For you're looking so hard in the places
You think the Almighty resides
As if I would dwell in some long ago words
Or in vast cathedrals I'd hide.

I've been calling your name in the silence
I've been holding your hand in the dark
I've been guarding your heart through the shouting
I am that glimmer, that spark
That subtly you are aware of
Yet cannot find words to describe
I have been here every moment
I've never moved from your side

I'm not hiding but rather I'm waving a flag

To get your attention, to welcome you back
I'm painting the flowers to capture your eye

I'm lighting the stars as you stroll idly by
I'm sending the raindrops to help you awaken

The sunshine to thrill you with the steps I have taken
To capture your heart and to make you aware
That I want to be found by you, I truly care.

Karen Holmes
August 2nd 2015


  1. I love your poetry - it's beautiful!!

    1. Thank you so very much. I have only just seen your comment, apologies for not replying more quickly. Karen.
