Friday, 5 September 2014

Tiny Acts

It's the tiny acts of kindness
It's the thoughtful word or deed
It's the cherishing of human kind
All colours and all creeds
It's the nod of understanding
and the tender, kind caress
That can make a difference in this world
Make painful times hurt less.

It's the card or letter in the post
The text that says "I care"
It's the reaching out beyond ourselves
To someone else, somewhere.
It's the step outside our comfort zone
to help another stand
that can make a difference in this world
When we lend a helping hand.

It's the greeting of a neighbour
and a friendly, listening ear
It's the smallest reassurance
or the sharing of a fear
The befriending of a lonely soul
Recognition in the street
It's the knowing of a first name
Whenever you may meet.

And you may not think it matters
In the worldwide scheme of things
But you'll never know the consequence
Our little deeds may bring
So we can't be slow in doing good
For it starts with me and you
Our little kindness here and there
Could mend a life or two.

Yes the world will carry on my friends
All the killing and the hate
They're the tiny deeds of selfishness
which brought us to this state.
Let us build with acts of loveliness
Let us change the world right now
As we make a difference here today
And a seed of hope allow.

It's the little deeds
It's the tiny acts
It's the smallest word or deed
It's the briefest touch
It's the loving hug
That meet somebody's need.

Karen Holmes
4th September 2014

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