Thursday, 6 October 2011

In praise of poetry

Some of you wanted me to write a verse for National poetry day - here is my offering!

It’s national poetry day and so
I am required to write a verse
And yet no subject comes to mind
It stays quite blank - what could be worse?

And so I’ll write my thoughts and see
If fruitful my endeavours be.
For what is poetry if not
The musings of this brain I’ve got?
Would I be quite as bold in speech
If poetry was out of reach?
Could I express myself as well
Or of my hearts intentions tell
If I had only prose, not rhyme?
I fear my heart might be confined
To reason, logic, cold, contained
Within a sentence - literal chains.
For poetry gives thoughts a chance
To fly and soar and leap and dance
It opens doors and breathes fresh air
Allows our love to be declared
Permits our fears to be explored
The rhyming words can’t be ignored
For in our hearts a welcome waits
For anything that liberates

And so today quite rightly so
We celebrate the art of rhyme
From days long past to present hours
It’s proudly stood the test of time!

Karen Holmes
October 6th 2011

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