In sure and certain hope
How can I declare that I'm assured eternal life
Proclaiming that my faith is sure and strong
And then admit that sometimes I get frightened
Does that invalidate my words or make them wrong?
How can I discuss the bible and be thrilled by it
How can I find strength to face another day
Then be tearful and afraid of all that lies ahead
Does this counteract my words in any way?
Is it possible for me to have a faith that's certain
And yet still be human in my hopes and fears
Can I know my God and stand upon His promises
Though my walk with Him has changed throughout the years?
Do I have to feel the same way as my fellow man
Can I dare to be quite different yet maintain
a living, vital, relevant relationship
with God and in His presence still remain?
I am reminded that my Jesus didn't toe the line
He didn't fit into the pattern or the mould
He reached out to those whom others may have cast aside
He searched for lost sheep and returned them to the fold.
And how He wept with real tears when Lazarus had died
His grief and passion He was not afraid to show
He turned the teaching of his day completely upside down
And when He needed space, He'd turn around and go.
So I believe He knows my frailties, my weakness too
And I'm convinced He does not stand in condemnation
For He's aware of how I often struggle in this world
For it is only through His grace we find Salvation.
So be encouraged all my brothers and my sisters
For we do not cower away from Him in fear
But with boldness we can come into His presence
And be certain He delights to have us near.
Karen Holmes
March 28th 2011