Monday, 17 January 2011


What do I remember when past moments I recall
What treasures have I stored away in memory's dusty hall
Who features most (and who's forgotten) and why should this be so?
Which names are written in my heart from those I used to know?
For many folk have crossed my path, and some have stayed a while
A few have made me angry, whilst many made me smile
And some have left their mark in ways that I can not explain
A few I knew just briefly and never met again
But several have walked with me through days both good and bad
And laughed with me until we cried, and wept with me when sad.

So the things that I remember are an odd assorted mix
of memories and stories and silly childhood tricks
Of sneezing powder put in desks, and shared, forbidden sweets
of paper dolls and arctic roll and Grandma's house and treats
Of coleslaw frozen by mistake and strawberries by design
Of warnings from the parents, though we lived and felt just fine!
Of splinters from the garden fence and caterpillar pets
And Grandad's barley sugars, and little fishing nets

Holidays in Weston, “the cave” and Anchor Head
And peeping through the window when we should have been in bed
The chips, the scarey Ghost Train, and early evening walks
with Grandad, whilst the grown ups stayed at home and sat and talked
The sudden sharp sting of a wasp and Kirst's loud shouts and cries
On a hot beach in the summer it came as a surprise
And bright pink candyfloss blown into my hair
All sticky and messy, yet I didn't care.

Then later come the memories when I was scared and ill
Such long days spent in hospital, my mind recalls them still
Some lovely kids, some tricks, some games
An endless procession of learning new names
Some nurses so kind and others so foul
Procedures and blood tests to make me howl
And doctors – like god's! Though we didn't agree
They didn't get too many smiles from me!

And yet, from those times there are memories bright
And times of great tenderness through long dark nights
Of reading to children who needed to hear
That someone was with them, that someone was near
And friendships I made which mattered so much
Though sadly these days we're no longer in touch
And just one young doctor who somehow impressed
For he turned and said “sorry” when I was distressed.

The early romances, the boy down the street
The giggling, sly glances when we happened to meet
The Sunday school outings, and club Wednesday nights
The arguments, fallings out, childhood fights.
Then high school and homework till sometimes quite late
Exams which had everyone in such a state
And lunchtimes spent talking, and cherished walks home
A most special friendship, no longer alone.

Then job hunting, interviews, how time goes by
I got married, moved house in the blink of an eye
Through illness and struggles, through laughter and fun
Somehow years have passed and time has moved on
Yet sometimes I ponder on memories treasured
And wonder just how a good life can be measured
In the balance of life there is good and there's bad
But I mainly remember the good times I've had

And I think that is just how it should be for all
That the best and the finest of life should be stored
So that we can retrieve precious memories at will
Relive them as if we we are living them still
Recapture our younger selves, reclaim our dreams
We're still the same people as daft as it seems
Take hold with enthusiasm each day anew
And make some new memories with all that we do.

Karen Holmes
January 17 2011

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