Thursday, 4 November 2010

Having the last word

Lately I have noticed how on some social networking sites people voice their opinions in a very harsh and often confrontational way.  Is there any need for this?  Can't we be kind?  Ok, so we have to stand up and be counted on some things but surely we achieve nothing by being downright rude?

If we can't agree when others speak
When they say what's on their mind
If we can't see where they're coming from
Would it kill us to be kind

If we can't accept their reasoning
Or see their point of view
Do we need to rage or stamp our feet
Like a lot of others do

Do we have to act defensive
Do we need to be so rude
Can we not be calm and walk away
When our words are misconstrued

Sometimes we rush on so blindly
And the obvious we ignore
When a little understanding
Could a broken soul restore

Do we always have to win?
Must we have the final word?
Don't we realise life is fragile
And our attitude absurd

For this world is full of trouble
and aggression rules supreme
Everyone is so suspicious
That things aren't what they seem

A little bit of kindness
and the strength to walk away
The confidence to “let things go”
might well transform our day

It's time to take a deep breath
And turn the other cheek
To indicate maturity
with no thought of being weak.

Let's not be drawn in arguments
From nastiness refrain
Let's quit pointing the finger
And live in peace again.

Karen Holmes
4 November 2010

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