Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Crazy Winter

The buses won't be running
I doubt the trains will go
The tracks will all be frozen
Cos we've had a bit of snow.
The bins will go unemptied
Bags of rubbish uncollected
And cats will tear them open
if the smell of meat's detected
There'll be no salt in Sainsbury
It's all been bought in bulk
To spread on icy pavements
And make the children sulk
Their ice rink now destructed
And all schools closed for days
They'll go in search of mischief
And pray this weather stays.
The pipes will all get frozen
The toilet turn to ice
It's not a laughing matter
Frozen assets are not nice!
The national grid will falter
As thermostats all rise
Cos it's winter and it's snowing
It's not such a surprise
Yet the promised preparations
Are each year doomed to fail
There's no grit in the country
When low temperatures prevail.
The met office is struggling
to keep us up to date
We're buying up thermal knickers
And getting in a state
Our winter comes round annually
We're used to it, although
There's nothing quite so crazy
As Britain in the snow.

Karen Holmes
30 November 2010

The First Snow of the Season

Little flakes of frozen water
How can they cause such a stir
Young and old are filled with wonder
At the first snow of the year

Somehow we are held enchanted
By the most familiar scene
Little flakes of crunchy whiteness
Oh so perfect, oh so clean

Well known paths become distorted
Hardened edges freshly blurred
Like a blanket draped so softly
Usual sounds are silenced, slurred.

In the snow our world looks different
Slightly softer round the edges
Footprints suddenly are noticed
Made by birds on window ledges

Twirling dizziness inducing
swirling snowflakes from the sky
Return us to the days of childhood
Building snowmen, you and I.

Karen Holmes
30 November 2010

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Live Long and Prosper!

After several attempts to find a statin that did not cause me side effects, I decided to give up. My doctor, knowing of my previous poem, “an ode to my novopen” suggested I write one on statins...............

Live long and prosper!

At “Statin Pharmaceuticals” in the land of Make Believe
They toil over their wonder drug, mistakenly perceived
To make “world peace” reality, and put an end to strife
The healthy live for ever and the dead are raised to life.

With test tubes lined up neatly and a row of Bunsen burners
They churn out all their potions, potentially good earners
Their mission is to save the world, cholesterol to defeat
There'll be no strokes or heart attacks when their task is complete

Be gone triglycerides and fat, you're blocking up the way
You lipids have been conquered, farewell, you cannot stay
Let blood flow freely as it should, let clots desist from straying
For statins are the wonder drug for which the world's been praying.

At “Statin Pharmaceuticals” they've hatched a cunning plan
Their pills contain the answer to all problems known to man
A miracle like this would have no limit to it's worth
And everyone should take them from the moment of their birth

Of course there may be side effects, but nothing to concern
Inherent risk is everywhere, and think of the return
Extended life and good results when blood testing is done
And so the joyful news is spread that statins can be fun!

They're trying to make a version for the chip pan when you fry
To stop the problem at it's source and make sure we don't die
Or maybe grind them up in salt for adding to the chips
The deadly fat would all be gone before they reach your lips

But therein lies a problem for salt's another foe
Drug companies are quite hard pressed to choose which way to go
We all demand a hasty cure for ailments and woes
But sadly they don't always work as every doctor knows.

Come raise a shout, a hearty cheer to all who lead the way
In little pills which chase our ills and fear of death away!
To “Statin Pharmaceuticals” I drink to your good health
May you live long and prosper, and not need your drugs yourself!

Karen Holmes
20 November 2010

Friday, 12 November 2010

Christmas Leaflets

Christmas is coming
With leaflets through the door
There's brightly coloured baubles
Throughout the Wilko store
A picture on the cover
shows said baubles on a tree
The tree is white and frankly
It don't do much for me.
With baubles blue and pink and green
And spotty ribbon too
I wouldn't give it house space
I don't know about you.

The local garden centre
have joined the leaflet game
They too have got a Christmas tree
There all the bloomin same
But this is more traditional
At least their spruce is green
But it's overloaded badly
It's the busiest tree I've seen
With baubles, hearts and other bits
It's tiring on the eye
Perhaps someone might like it
But I can't imagine why.

The Debenhams leaflet shows a tree
Quite tasteful all in gold
With tiny little shining lights
To chase away the cold
But if I had to choose the store
Whose leaflet comes out top
I'm confident that I would pick
The one from the co-op
No Christmas tree depicted
But chocolates, sweets and cake
They get my vote with stuff like that
They win – make no mistake!

Karen Holmes
12 November 2010

Thursday, 11 November 2010



The Poppies return every year
in November with splashes of red
Their delicate petals so fragile
Their vibrancy mourning the dead

For two minutes we will remember
With bowed heads we stand very still
Eternity ticks by in silence
Come join us in prayer if you will

For peace we cry out, God for peace
We utter those words so aware
That in our sad world the fighting goes on
For somebody's loved one, somewhere.

So many through vast generations
Have laid down their lives, not returned
Left widows and orphans to weep and to grieve
And hope that the lessons are learned

And still peace remains so elusive
I fear it will always be so
And with heads bowed we stand and remember
How much to those brave folk we owe

They will not grow old” words familiar
to those who grieve still each November
Lets make sure we honour their memory
By pausing each year to remember.

Karen Holmes
7 November 2010

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Crocodile Tears

Today's poem first sprang to life when I asked a friend how he was, he replied “Well I'm still looking at the grass from the right side up” This evening I remembered the story of my dad's grandad who had been ill and one day relatives who rarely bothered with him, turned up with the idea of paying their respects to the dying man and probably weighing up if there was anything worth laying claim to once he'd gone! He opened the door and said “I'm still alive,so you can put away your insurance policies and …......” go away! So this is dedicated to him.

Crocodile Tears

I'm looking at the grass from the right side up
There's life in the old dog still
Not ready for pushing up daisies
Or the making of my will.
No need to stop the chiming clocks
Or draw the curtains tight
Despite the medics best attempts
I'm putting up a fight.

Don't go searching out the policies
Insurance cash to share
The death certificate don't exist
So there's nothing for you there.
Get your hands off all my jewellery
All the gems you hope I've left
For whilst the living still draw breath
I'm afraid it's known as theft.

You can put your black suit back in mothballs
And stick your sympathy
For when you felt I'd live a while
You spared no thought for me.
Be off with you who feign distress
with crocodile tears
I've news for you dear relatives
I plan to live for years!

Karen Holmes
November 10th 2010

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Fear......we all experience it at some time, and these recent months have held more than a fair share for me. I choose not to be conquered by it but to try and enjoy each and every day but with the current debate about my medication, the pros and cons, I am forced to think about the future and what it may hold. My diabetes too is an ever present pain in the backside and sometimes I think that doctors should have just one day to see what it's like!  The poem ends by stating that at the end of the day it is God who is in control of our ultimate destiny.

What does fear do but ensnare
Mistakenly we tarry there
Sometimes fear is justified
And many are the tears I've cried
Yet nothing is achieved nor gained
But the expression of my pain
And maybe that brings some respite
From trying to know what's wrong, what's right
Deliberating the unknown
Being told it is my choice alone
And yet in truth I have no power
To add to life a single hour.

But medics act as if I can
Influence my own lifespan
And I agree in certain ways
Life choices add or subtract days
Yet this seems out of my own hands
I must decide, I understand.
But maybe choice is over ruled,
my body seems not to be fooled
by drugs. It stubbornly rebels
It's own decision clearly tells.
Perhaps this time it will comply
All I can do is trust and try.

But do not point the finger those
Who watch with interest how things go
For if I had the chance I'd choose
to think on happy things,not muse
On medical dilemmas or
Worry bout what lies in store
Believe me doctors who decree
The drugs you think are good for me
You've no idea, you've not a clue
For it's not happening to you.
So don't play God, it's not your role
I am His child, He's in control.

Karen Holmes
November 9th 2010

Monday, 8 November 2010

Wet Socks

My sister works in a gift shop just down the road from a shoe shop and today her boots leaked.  Here's the story of what happened next.............

Today's little poem is all about Kirst
Of bad things to happen, this is probably the worst
On a wet and cold morning at the start of the week
She discovered her lovely, warm boots had a leak.
By the time she had got into work she could tell
That rain had seeped in and all was not well
Her socks were so wet they could do with a wringing,
her feet almost numb though her toes were a tingling
She draped her damp socks on the brass shop door handle
Then spied the display of mixed scented candle...
An idea started forming, and gladdened her heart
She reached for her favourite Yankee wax tart
And selected a tea light – a match then was struck
She pinched a display stand and wished for some luck
The socks were draped over and started to steam
The yankee aroma was a bit “off” it seemed
A customer entered, sniffing the air
The smell of wet socks over powered her there
She dropped where she stood, “get smelling salts quick”
get rid of those socks and snuff out the wick.”
So poor old Kirst was back where she started
Her feet were still cold and oh how they smarted
In great desperation to Blunts she absconded
She told of her plight and with staff she soon bonded
Shoes and fine boots were spread out for her choice
Till she found just the thing, Oh how she rejoiced.
Returning to work with her problem resolved
The staff fell apart and with laughter dissolved
She wore on her feet bright pink slippers with fur
Her boss shouted out, “I agree, I concur,
From now on my staff shall wear slippers or mules
Throw away your smart aprons, I'm changing the rules
Pajamas are in, with a dressing gown too
And that's why the Bentley's staff dress as they do!”

Karen Holmes
8 November 2010

Sunday, 7 November 2010

I don't know all the answers

This is one of my older poems but it rings true for me today.  Sometimes I just don't know why things happen, but I do know the one in whom I believe.

I'm trying to make sense of unfathomable things
I'm attempting to fit all the pieces
It's a lifetime puzzle of multiple options
And each day the conundrum increases

The picture starts coming together
But there's pieces as yet still unseen
Suggestions, idea's, possibilities
But how do I know what they mean?

I've tried to make informed decisions
Good, bad indifferent, who knows?
But I cannot help asking questions
Of the way that this life sometimes goes.

Questions of struggles between right and wrong
Conflicts of heart and of soul
Battles which threaten to tear us apart
Feelings that seek to control

Illness and death and sorrow and pain
Loss and bereavement and grief
Famine and drought and disaster
Things which would rock our belief

Glib answers are empty and useless
The world turns away with a sigh
So sometimes I have to be honest
And admit that I don't know why.

I don't know the answers to most of life's questions
But I know Him in whom I believe
And His plans and purposes find their fulfilment 
In ways that I cannot conceive

I don't need to know all the answers
I am safe for He has full control
He will finish the work He has started
I can say "it is well with my soul"

Karen Holmes
14 September 2006

Saturday, 6 November 2010

No Good Crying?

Dedicated to Ian, who lost a whole bottle of vodka today due to a flimsy and weak carrier bag.

It's been said that it isn't the end of the world

If you spill just a small drop of milk
But a bottle of vodka all smashed on the floor
Or most any fine drink of that ilk
Really is a good reason for tantrums
And throwing the toys from the pram
And I'd do the same if it happened to me
Calm though I normally am.
I'd be looking for somewhere to place all the blame
So in this case it has to be Spar
For their carrier bags are atrocious
They're the cheapest and thinnest by far.

And I think I can say fairly safely
That a refund should quickly be sought
For the carrier bag wasn't fit for the purpose
As all retail goods really ought
I'd be filling in forms by the dozen
Demanding I get compensation
For surely this ought to be possible
At the manager's dispensation
But make it quite clear what you're wanting
For it would be terribly sad
If they sent you a letter saying “sorry”
And a brand new Spar carrier bag!

Karen Holmes
6 November 2010

Friday, 5 November 2010

Why Me?

I am one of those people who always seems to be the one things happen to.  Even the seagull story in this poem is true!  Today I went out with a friend for a coffee and ended up sitting under the spot where the roof was leaking!  Typical!

Why Me?

Why do things always happen to me?
Do I give off signals that beckon
To lost dogs and children and stray cats as well
Is that what it is, do you reckon?

If somebody's going to trip and fall over
I'm always nearby to assist
If they're struggling to find the right change for the bus
Then please let me pay, I insist!

In pubs and in cafe's I make sure I sit
In the spot where the roof keeps on leaking
I'll report any incident as it occurs
I delight in such attention seeking.

A seagull, run over? In front of my eyes?
And yet somehow it has survived?
Well leave it to me to go to it's aid
To see if it can be revived.

Are you struggling to find the right outfit
For a wedding which you must attend
Well latch on to me if you want to
I'll be your spontaneous friend

I wish like the great Harry Potter
For a cloak which could hide me from view
Then I could get on with my own plans
And the things which I really should do

But I know that I'd still be the witness
To life's little daily events
And I'd still get involved, for I'm like that
Sometimes I wish I had more sense!

Karen Holmes
5 November 2010

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Having the last word

Lately I have noticed how on some social networking sites people voice their opinions in a very harsh and often confrontational way.  Is there any need for this?  Can't we be kind?  Ok, so we have to stand up and be counted on some things but surely we achieve nothing by being downright rude?

If we can't agree when others speak
When they say what's on their mind
If we can't see where they're coming from
Would it kill us to be kind

If we can't accept their reasoning
Or see their point of view
Do we need to rage or stamp our feet
Like a lot of others do

Do we have to act defensive
Do we need to be so rude
Can we not be calm and walk away
When our words are misconstrued

Sometimes we rush on so blindly
And the obvious we ignore
When a little understanding
Could a broken soul restore

Do we always have to win?
Must we have the final word?
Don't we realise life is fragile
And our attitude absurd

For this world is full of trouble
and aggression rules supreme
Everyone is so suspicious
That things aren't what they seem

A little bit of kindness
and the strength to walk away
The confidence to “let things go”
might well transform our day

It's time to take a deep breath
And turn the other cheek
To indicate maturity
with no thought of being weak.

Let's not be drawn in arguments
From nastiness refrain
Let's quit pointing the finger
And live in peace again.

Karen Holmes
4 November 2010