Sunday, 15 November 2020


 Creative writing

I played with the dog this morning and then had a sit down shower.

Now I'm completely exhausted and have been fast asleep for an hour.

I still feel decidedly tired

And the brain fog's severe once again

So I'll sit on the sofa with Helen

And look out at the clouds full of rain.

Karen Holmes

14 November 2020

Friday, 13 November 2020

Biblio Affair

 Today's piece of creative writing is in prose.  

A Biblio Affair

I trace the embossed image upon the smooth, glossy cover

Letting my fingertips caress and explore.

I run my fingers down the spine, down and up, discovering the smoothness.

I gaze at this thing of beauty, unwilling to rush

Taking my time to allow the essence to overwhelm my senses

I inhale it's newness and am transported into memories of similar encounters.

I cajole it into opening and touch the rough edges of unread pages.

It yields and I begin to read.

Karen Holmes

13 November 2020

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Life with alfie

 Life with alfie

He is an opportunist if you leave him for a mo

Medical notes and newspapers into his mouth will go.

He has a basket full of toys but these don't qualify

For the cherished cuddly toy becomes the apple of his eye.

He loves to steal a tissue and used ones are the best

But a nice full box will do as well

It's the highest doggy quest.

He decides the time that we should rise

And wakes me with a nudge

And when reluctantly we wake

He sleeps and doesn't budge.

At mealtimes he's on full alert

He thinks that food is great

But it's hard to eat your sandwich

With a dog sat on your plate.

But when I'm sad and tearful

Brought low by all life's issues

He comes and sits beside me

With one eye on the tissues!

Karen Holmes
