You want to know me better but I scarcely know myself
I'm like a part completed puzzle abandoned on a shelf
Some pieces fit together, the picture might make sense
But the rest is random pieces, some present, some past tense.
And I do not know you well enough to reveal more detailed facts
Or whether you'd still walk with me when the picture is intact.
But I do not want to meet with you and share what I am not
To build an image just to please would not be worth a lot.
I don't know if I like myself, the image that I see
Is a new, extended version of a scarey, different me.
But it feels more natural when I lay aside my fear and pain
It flows more easily and yet it's hard to start again.
So if you want to know me, I need to know you too
It's a sort of vicious circle and I don't know what to do.
Karen Holmes
July 30th 2018