Turn on the light, so I can see more clearly
the handiwork of God throughout this world displayed
The crashing might of waves upon the ocean
Each tiny flower so splendidly arrayed
The detailed edge of intricate, fine petals
The autumn leaves with brilliant hues ablaze
The evidence of God's artistic passion
All freely given in many different ways.
Turn on the light so I can gaze in wonder
at Springtime sights of blossom like a cloak
upon the branches previously so barren
A world unseen just waiting till you spoke
A new awakening, life unfurled, rebirthed Lord
If only I had wings on which to soar
If only I could dance, reborn like nature
I'm sure I'd grow to know and love you more.
Turn on the light, inspire my poor, dim vision
To look again with eyes that see anew
the truth that's visible to those who search still
To those who take the time to think things through
To those who cannot simply follow blindly
like some lost sheep who's brought back to the fold.
I seek to gain a fresh perception
A living meaning to the stories told.
But many like the depth of shadows
They feel secure in what they think they know
In hearts long padlocked, chained, held prisoner
They struggle with life's ebb and flow
So pressurised to have the answers
So desperate to yet make sense
of all the painful quirks of living
they've spun a web of deep pretence.
And I've been captive to their thinking
Afraid to move, afraid to breathe
And slowly I've become frustrated
And inwardly my heart has seethed
For surely if the son has set me free
He's set me free from church tradition
He's loosed the chains that held me bound
The cords of dusty, false religion
The light of God can't be diminished
He's closer than the air we breathe
He's not confined to one dimension
He's found by many who believe.
Our finite way of understanding
means that we cannot comprehend
that God exceeds our limitations,
no matter how long we may spend
in somehow shaping Him to our mould
In saying the truth is ours alone.
He moves through all the world unhindered
And speaks in languages unknown.
The light is shining ever brighter
For God and I remain entwined
But He removes the ties that shackle
The misconceptions that confined
The door's flung open, I am blinded
By the sunshine of His grace
By the power of Holy Spirit
chasing cobwebs from this place
Free at last! as He intended
Free to worship as I ought
Free to turn from years of darkness
To the light of truth I sought.
Karen Holmes
23rd March 2009