Saturday, 30 March 2013

Risen Indeed!

He is risen indeed, I know that it’s true
I’ve met with the risen Lord, have you?
He’s shown me the scars in His nail torn hands
And yet now at the right hand of God He stands
In Glorious splendour, in beauty arrayed
The victory is His, the price has been paid.

He is risen indeed, the tomb’s empty and bare
The discarded grave clothes are all that are there
For death’s power is broken, it’s strongholds torn down
Jesus is living, with majesty crowned.
His rule is unending, His might undiminished
The curtain was torn, Jesus cried, “It is finished”

He is risen indeed, our glorious Lord
Ascended to heaven, by angels adored
The one mediator, He opened the door
For us to know God, He redeems, He restores.
From sin we’re delivered, liberated, set free
Come let us declare, “He is risen Indeed”

Karen Holmes
March 2008

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Named as His, as He is mine

I have His name engraved in me, not visible to human eye
But there it is, for evermore, most clearly marked until I die
Marked as His own, labelled so clearly
For He declares He loves me dearly
Sealed by His spirit, life's guarantee 
That's why He died, to set me free.
To do away with needless striving
To put an end to deaths cruel threat
And I believe His promise to me
For never has my God failed yet.

He has my name, upon His hands
Engraved forever for His promise stands
He knows my ways, my moments too
He tells me "I know everything bout you,
So have no fear, for you are known
I've seen each day as you have grown
I've watched your moments and your days
I've seen your torment, heard your praise
You're named as mine and I as yours
That's how it is for evermore.

For evermore! He has decreed
I need no further guarantee
It's signed and sealed, it's certain sure
There is no need to ask for more
There is a place assigned to me
For Jesus holds my destiny
I'm known as His, and He as mine
In life, in death, through endless time.

Karen Holmes
March 17th 2013